11 May 2010

5 Easy Ways to Increase Your Peace


When your day is running away from you and you feel upset and out of control, I invite you to try to just stop. If you can, find a place alone (the bathroom is an easy spot) and take at least five slow, deep breaths. Then think about your favorite place to be. Careful, don’t go wandering into “Oh, I wish I were there now’ self pity land. Just imagine yourself there. At peace and full of joy. Take five more slow, deep breaths and imagine that you are making all of your decisions from that peaceful place. Sometimes, just stepping away from the stress of your surroundings can help.


Get a full night’s rest. Do whatever you can to get plenty of sleep at night. I used to consider sleep a waste of time. In fact, when my five-year-old friend asked me what my super power would be if I could have one, without skipping a beat I answered, “To live without sleep.” All those beautiful hours wasted while I lie there…. But the truth is that our bodies need time to restore and repair cells, and our brains need a break from the noises of life to process the day’s events and memories. There are many articles online about how to get a better night’s sleep. Find a few that you think you can handle and try them.


Drink plenty of water. Avoid sugar drinks that tend to put your blood sugar levels on a roller coaster. This does not mean drink a gallon of water each day and throw out all of your other drinks (though it’s a smart move to discard everything in your refrigerator with high fructose corn syrup on the label…). Just try to make sure you drink more water than anything else. A dehydrated body is a stressed body.


When we are stressed to our perceived limits, we often forget to think positively about what is going on. My favorite way to get out of that kind of funk is to think about five things I’m grateful for. It’s a small course correction that can lead to more peaceful thinking. A better mood enhances creativity and problem solving as well, which further reduces your stress.


Wherever I go, I take a small bottle of lavender essential oil and one of peppermint essential oil. They have many wonderful medicinal properties, but my favorite way to us them is to place a drop or two on my palm, rub my hands together and then inhale deeply. Lavender is very relaxing, and peppermint on the other hand is quite refreshing. If you aren’t interested in essential oils, then perhaps you could keep a scented candle in your desk drawer or a tiny bottle of perfume in your purse. Perhaps a sample-sized bottle of your favorite lotion to rub on your hands. The best kinds are the ones you can keep with you most of the time.

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